الاثنين، 30 مايو 2016

3 Things turned failure to success if you remembered the time of failure

The failure is an essential part of the successful life, where you that looked at any of the lives of the 
successful figures that we see in the modern era or the old you will find that the common denominator among 
them that they passed a lot of moments of failure

The biggest example of the failure of the access road to what you want, which was not the way to the White House never easy that Abraham Lincoln

1816: expulsion of Abraham and his family from home and was forced to work to earn a living

1831: Try to establish a special work but failed

1832: Lost in the legislative elections of his mandate and lost his job, he could not enter the Faculty of law

1833: borrowed money to start its work, but by the end of the year declared bankrupt and pay in this loan  17 years

1835: his wife died

1836: a nervous breakdown and spent 6 months in psychiatry hospital

1838: pursuit to be the head of the Legislative Council of the mandate, but faced failure

1840: Entered elections and but failed

1843: sought to enter the congress and lost again

1864: succeeded in entering the Congress

1848: Try to remain in Congress for another term but failed

1849: tried to be clerk in his mandate, but he is expulsion. 

1854: tried to enter into the Senate But lost

1860: Presidential elections in the United States and became chairman of the united states of america.

Can you imagine how many times you failed this man even up to be President of the United States

And Steve Jobs, who died, one of the famous executives of one of the largest technology companies in the world of Apple. The expelled see what he did after he was expelled from Apple

 in the 30th, he do not give up even the foundations of a start for himself and then founded NeXT and Pixar found his way back to Apple again.

So what are the things that these people carried out after every failure they felt to become the successful in this world.

1. There is important information in failure:-

Thomas Edison the inventor of the electric lamp which has failed in many trials before it reaches the end result speaks for failure, "I did not fail, but I found that 10000 way it can not work," Try to shift your failure of the negative energy into positive energy that give you the results you want.

2. Worse usually goes faster than you think:-

What it can appear at this moment a black cloud smog will never become dull in memory when the sun shines again. It could become remind you of your failure in the past of the worst enemies but reminds you of the worst you have to remember the moments of success. Never deny that some failures may be strong to the point that pose the ground hard, but as long as you will not abide by the spirit of defeatism and always have the determination to start all over again will become the strongest someday Be uncertain of it.
 "The ease with hardship." (quran)

3. Accept failure and take responsibility:-

Usually a failure is everyone's responsibility so you must know what is your part of this failure. This recognition will not help you to avoid failure in the future, but also eliminates from your mind and you fall victim to the failure of others.
Finally, when a bomb explodes failure always remember that there are inventors, business people and leaders have appeared to them more than once a failure in the way of their success, but they did not allow for this failure to be a weak point in their lives, but turned it to be a tool for success.

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